The decision-making rights of shareholders in Troax are exercised at general meetings of shareholders.
Participation in decision-making requires the shareholder´s presence at the meeting, either in person or through a proxy. In addition, the shareholder must be included in a printout or other presentation of the entire share register regarding the conditions on the day specified in the Swedish Companies Act, and make a notification to the company no later than the date specified in the notice of the meeting.
Decisions at the meeting are normally made by simple majority. However, for some issues the Swedish Companies Act stipulates that a proposal must be approved by a higher proportion of the shares and votes represented at the meeting. Shareholders who wish to add an item to the agenda of a shareholders´ meeting may send a request to the Board. Such a request should normally has reached the Board seven weeks prior to the general meeting.
The Annual General meeting (“AGM”), must be held within six months after the end of the accounting year. The AGM decides on such issues as adoption of the annual accounts, dividends, election of Directors of the Board and of auditors when required, fees to the Directors of the Boards and auditors, principles for remuneration to management, and other important matters.
An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened at the discretion of the Board of Directors or if requested by the auditors or by shareholders owning at least 10% of the shares.
Shareholders´ meetings are convened by publication of the convening notice in the Swedish National Gazette (Sw. Post- och Inrikes Tidningar) and on the Company´s website. At the time of the notice convening the meeting, information regarding the notice shall be published in Svenska Dagbladet.

The AGM 2024 of Troax Group AB (publ) (556916-4030) will be held at Troax in Hillerstorp on the 22nd of April 2024, at 15:00hrs. Shareholders who wish to add topics to be handled during the Shareholders Meeting can send their suggestions to the Chairman, Troax Group AB, attention “Topic for the Shareholders Meeting”, Box 89, 335 04 Hillerstorp, Sweden. The topics must arrive at least seven weeks prior to the meeting, and by the 4th of March 2024 at the latest.

Annual general meeting 2023

Annual general meeting 2022

Annual General Meeting 2021

Annual General Meeting 2020

Annual general meeting 2019

Annual general meeting 2018

Annual General Meeting 2017