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Troax expanding in Japan

Hillerstorp 19th of December  2019, 08:45 CET

Troax is acquiring parts of its distribution company, and developing its organization for increased benefits to customers in the Asia-Pacific region


Troax announces that it is purchasing the division managing machineguarding and safety from Japanese distribution company Morita & Company. Troax previously had a close collaboration with this business unit; the acquisition will come into force on 1 January 2020. 

    “We have been operating in Japan for 15 years, and the time has now come to expand our presence,” says Thomas Widstrand, President & CEO of the Troax Group. “New opportunities have opened up in the market, and it is now in our interest to take the next step by further developing our company. With our own sales company in Japan, we can offer even better service to our customers.”

    The Regional Manager for Asia-Pacific is Michael Standar. He has lived and worked in industrial operations in the region for two decades, and knows both the region and the business area well. His task will be to further develop customer relations and the Troax organisation in order to support customers with their requirements for safety and physical guards. 

    “We will also be investing resources in technical expertise and other areas to support customers in Japan with their development,” Mr. Standar says. “The acquisition gives us the opportunity to develop global Japanese companies by being present in their home market, while also assuring demand for our factory unit in China for the future.” 

    The expanded operation provides opportunities for a more extensive sales organization and thereby expanded offerings, and a more direct way of helping customers with complex solutions, primarily regarding machine guarding in robot and automation environments. 

    “The acquisition gives good opportunities for Troax to grow further in the region,” Mr. Widstrand says. “It will not, however, have any major effect on the group turnover or profitability in the short term.”

